Joe Biden's Behavior towards Nancy Pelosi in the Rose Garden is Raising Eyebrows once again as the president Leaned in and kissed the former house Speaker on the lips before stumbling and Mumbling through a speech about helping Families while this Rose Garden incident May seem incident at first glance it's Just the latest example of the President's decline in mental state Which has become a cause for concern Among many Americans now it's no secret That Joe Biden is a history of Inappropriately touching females such as This image of him kissing his Granddaughter on the lips during an Iowa Rally however his actions with women Including young girls has raised serious Questions about his judgment and Character while some have dismissed These incidents as harmless they are Indicative of a larger pattern of Behavior that cannot be ignored the fact The president continues to engage in Such Behavior while in office is even More concerning as it suggests that he Lacks a self-awareness necessary to Recognize that his actions are Inappropriate now Biden's on camera Kissing the former Speaker of the House