Biden’s Biggest Democratic Critic Blow The Whistle on His EV Scheme

Biden’s Biggest Democratic Critic Blow The Whistle on His EV Scheme

Are you tired of the bite Administration's constant assault on American Energy security well worry not Senator Joe manchin is now speaking out Against Biden's electric vehicle plan Warning that it will not empower the U.S But someone else are you ready to find Out who I'm Gary franchi you want the Top news every day hit subscribe and Turn on your notifications Before I get to that report jump start Your New Year resolution with this Amazing keto powder you can benefit from Many of the weight management benefits Of ketosis without having to restrict Carbs or experience the infamous keto Flu if you want to experience the same Amazing effects that I did I use it Every day in my protein shakes I want You to try it too go to keto with to get your bag for 51 percent Off plus receive several free bonuses Before the sale ends and look your best This year by clicking on more below the Video now back to the news The bite administration's push for Electric vehicles has faced criticism From Republicans and conservatives alike Now even some Democrats are speaking out Against the plan Senator Joe manchin the Chair of the Senate energy committee has Warned that the plan will only serve to Empower China and weaken America's Energy security so let us recap what the

Biden's EPA new strict EV goals are Watch And of new car sales now the Biden Administration wants to accelerate the Green Revolution with tougher emission Standards and Industry sources say Requiring that EVS make up at least 54 Percent of automaker's new car sales by 2030 two-thirds of sales by 2032. Running on a cleaner grid making an and Inventing the technology is going to Power the future automakers are already Investing billions to transition from Gas to electric General Motors CEO Mary Barra the quicker we can bring everyone Along to EVS the better it's going to be For climate we've seen the Green Revolution first hand from the assembly Line three thousand pounds of Lithium-ion cells helping the Hummer to Accelerate from 0 to 60 in three seconds To the front line eventually they want To take their whole Fleet electric just Two years ago automakers agreed that EVS Would make up half their sales by 2030. Now the industry says the new White House goals aren't realistic writing in A statement this requires a massive 100 Year change to the U.S industrial base And the way Americans drive and there Are a lot of things that have to happen To get us to a full EV culture including Raw materials charging stations and the Electric grid to power it for now

Sticker shock May convince many Americans to stick with their gas Guzzlers Senator Joe manchin the chairman of the Senate energy committee criticized the Environmental Protection agency's new Vehicle emission standards for Attempting to encourage Americans to buy Electric vehicles He said the EPA is trying to is lying to Americans with false claims about how Their manipulation of the market to Boost EVS will help energy Security in Reality this is a trojan horse to meet These timelines will mean strengthening Our Reliance on minerals and Technologies controlled by the Chinese Taken in concert with the clear Violation of the IRA to determine Provisions that would actually secure These Supply chains this Administration Is taking steps that will only result in More energy security and a powerful China he said I don't believe the making Progress on climate change should come At the expense of our national and Energy security I fully support Congress Overturning these dangerous EPA Regulations As part of his electric vehicle push Biden is attempting to boost domestic Battery manufacturing but some critical Raw materials are only found Internationally and China controls much

Of this Supply In a press release Senator Mike Braun's Office said that Biden's proposed Admission standards would make Two-thirds of new cars and a quarter of New trucks electric by 2032. he Explained quote President Biden and his EPA are proposing unrealistic emission Standards to try to push the public Further than they are willing to go this Plan is totally Disconnected by the Reality of our supply chain and energy Infrastructure and will result in the U.S depending even more on China for raw Rare Earth minerals than the Biden Administration doesn't allow to be mined Here He also asserted that I ran a shipping And Logistics business for 37 years so I Know this kind of overbearing government Overreach will make everything more Expensive Biden's electric vehicle plan is not Only unrealistic but also a threat to American Energy security China is Already gaining power and influence Globally so becoming even more reliant On them for critical minerals would be a Devastating setback when we don't need Them to truly prioritize American Energy Security we need to focus on developing Domestic solutions that won't leave us Vulnerable to foreign powers Center Mansion's warnings about Biden's plan

Should not be ignored maybe it's time Other Democrats listen to their Colleague for a change Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto With to get your bag that's Keto with simply click more to Find the link below to get yours in Addition to saving 51 percent you'll Also receive several bonuses to help you Take control of your health in the new Year so make sure you take advantage of Them if you don't like it you can get Your money back within 60 days of trying It it'll be worth your time to click the

Link and you will thank me later for it We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network