All right I'm going to try to say this Without uh getting my channel just Completely removed so this is the part Of the program where I'm supposed to Tell you guys to uh you know we like a Gentle tapping here at the news and why It matters we like it we like it rough Sometimes too but however you want to Tap the like button go ahead and tap the Like button uh subscribe to the show on YouTube and comment and I want you to do All of those things but Here's the thing Um literally 30 minutes before we came On to to film this program I received Three notifications in a row that I have Gotten strikes on my YouTube channel for Telling you guys the truth about Biological males who are mentally ill And consider themselves to be females in Particular one who went and shot up a Bunch of children So I actually don't know how much longer We're going to be here on YouTube I Would love to stay with you guys for as Long as as possible but I'm just telling You if you have the funds to do so I Would highly suggest investing in a Blaze TV subscription you can save ten Dollars when you sign up for a year Using promo code news and you can do That over at blacetv.com this is Genuinely like I I you guys know this every day I try
To encourage you guys to to watch on YouTube and I joke I joke about the Freeloadering thing but I I totally it's Like I get it it's a crazy economy we're Living in Joe Biden's economy the Joe Biden era I totally get it Um but the the leftist social media Censorship is very real and it's very Scary Um I'm actually shocked that this guy Still has a YouTube channel at all So I'm just saying I'm trying to provide the truth for you Guys but uh the social media Giants Other than Elon Musk are not allowing me To get that message out to you now I Have several episodes that you can Literally never see on YouTube ever Again Um so I just again make sure that you Can watch us anytime all of our episodes Over at blazetv.com Um so I want to get into this Hunter Biden story so there is an IRS Supervisory agent who is now a Whistleblower who is claiming that the Biden Administration is obstructing the Investigation into Hunter Biden uh this Agent is now seeking whistleblower Protections uh there is a letter that His attorney sent to nine high-ranking Members of Congress that he is a career IRS criminal supervisory special agent Who has been overseeing the ongoing and
Sensitive investigation of a High-profile controversial subject since Early 2020 it says that it is Hunter by Who is the high profile subject and that The Whistleblower disclosures would Contradict sworn testimony to Congress By a senior political appointee involve Failure to mitigate clear contracts Conflicts of interest in the ultimate Disposition of the case and detailed Examples of preferential treatment and Politics improperly infecting decisions And protocols that would normally be Followed by career law enforcement Professionals in similar circumstances If the subject were not politically Connected now just as a refresher he is Currently they say he's under Investigation apparently he's not very Much under investigation for tax related Crimes and for making a false statement On his ATF Form when purchasing a Firearm now the White House has Responded they've of course they're like That's not true of that's not happening White House spokesman Ian Sams told Fox News earlier today since he took office And consistent with his campaign promise That he would restore the independence Of the justice department you know the Same justice department who's banging Down the doors of pro-life activists who Dare go and pray outside of an abortion Clinic you know the same justice
Department who uh on in an unprecedented Manner raided the home of a former President over BS documents that justice Department totally independent not Weaponized at all and when it comes to Decision making and criminal Investigations President Biden has made Clear that this matter would be handled Independently by the justice department Under the leadership of a U.S attorney Appointed by former president Trump free From any political interference by the White House I am sure that that has Happened well everybody needs a Google Hunter Biden FBI cocaine rental car and Hunter Biden was actually caught a Banning abandoning a rental car that had Cocaine and crack in it and the FBI knew It and they knew that the chain of Command that Hunter Biden was the last Person to interact with this car and They didn't do anything they chose not To charge him so the FBI if cocaine Position is a literal felony so Obviously we know he's committing tax Fraud by the money that he's getting From his berezma dealings in the Ukraine Working for energy companies that he has No experience for so yeah the idea that He's laundering money welcome to Obviousville But you just look at 100 Biden he's Always going to get a pass it's it Doesn't matter I would think that even
If he murdered somebody if he was like Vehicular drunken manslaughter or Whatever I think he would even get a Pass on that because he's so you know Powerfully connected I agree Kaden yeah It'll stay that way nothing's gonna Happen we don't have the justice system On our side same thing with Matt Walsh Doing like hopefully he gets what he Deserves back from the hack deal but Nothing is on our side you they brought Trump to trial they raided his house We're not going to win in this system so I guess I don't I don't know if we can really do Um like with the Clinton stuff Trump Said you know in the debates in 2016 he Was like yeah if I was President you'd Be in prison not in prison no like when When is all this gonna really happen Yeah I mean it's just frustrating Because you know we really are like this Is a Banana Republic when you're talking About uh two-tiered justice system uh a Justice system in which you know if Someone like me lied on my ATF Form if Someone like me committed these crimes That uh you know Hunter Biden is being Accused of I they put me through the ringer I mean You had grandmas waving their Flags uh You know their American flags inside the Capitol being led in by police who are Being denied due process so it's just
Very frustrating when you talk about the Left who constantly constantly wants to Tell you dude this is a threat to Democracy this is a threat to we love Democracy democracy is the most Could ever have and while we're not a Democracy we're a constitutional Republic Um I just I It's just frustrating because it's like If you care so much about what you think Is democracy wouldn't you be a little Concerned about this two-tiered system That we seem to have where the elites Are held to different standards than the Average person weren't you guys supposed To be like the the the average person's Party the the you know uh the Middle America party and now it's just like no It's totally fine that the elites are Running things and um you know letting Themselves out of the same crimes that They would throw you in jail for well It's a cliche but the federal government Is obviously very dysfunctional and we Say this all the time if this is Donald Trump Jr you would never hear the end of It so of course the federal government Is going to protect their own but They're going to go after Donald J Trump Because there is some sort of deep state So I hate to be the bearer of bad news And the tinfoil had conspiracy theorists Of the day but there is an evil cabal of
Deep State people that don't have America's best interest in mind and That's why people like Hunter Biden Always get passes that's why people like Hillary Clinton get a passage by Bill Clinton gets a ride on the Lolita Expresso Jeffrey Epstein 26 times and Nobody ever or even bats and I the Mainstream media doesn't even cover it So you know we just have a corrupt System and you said the Banana Republic Sadly I think it is but I'm also not in The opinion that we need to totally Demolish the federal government so I Don't know I don't know what system Works it's very hard but I think it's There's a cancer within it and it Started off as a good thing but it's Been you know infected yeah democracy Works until it doesn't right democracy Only works as long as you know all the People participate but if one person's Like okay I'm taking power or you know This this group of elitists like you Mentioned then what like know what we're Going to vote them out of their powerful Situations they can buy elections Right exactly that's let's be clear They're clearly after me right now so Let me just let me just say 2020 uh and the midterms and all this is It was the safest and most secure Election in the history not just of this Country but of the world the facts and
You know you look at the federal Government I think that we need to just Keep on giving billions of dollars to The Ukraine and not help anybody here Because that's that's you know in the Best interest of the American people if You like that clip there is plenty more Where that came from click the link in The description below to subscribe to The news and why it matters YouTube Channel to watch the full episode