NFL attempts patriotism πŸˆπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

NFL attempts patriotism πŸˆπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Patriotism has always played a crucial role in sports, and the National Football League (NFL) is no exception. Recently, a video created by Benny Johnson shed light on the significance of patriotism within the NFL. This review will delve into the video’s content and explore the importance of acts of patriotism in the NFL.

Act of Patriotism: Aaron Rodgers’ Flag Kickoff

The video begins with a powerful image of Aaron Rodgers carrying out an American flag kickoff to mark the start of the NFL season. This act of patriotism serves as a reminder of the values that unite us as a nation. It highlights the shared love for our country, irrespective of individual backgrounds or beliefs.

The NFL’s Need for More Acts of Patriotism

The video suggests that the NFL is in dire need of more acts of patriotism. In a time when social issues and controversies often dominate the conversation, it is important to maintain a sense of national unity. Acts of patriotism can serve as a reminder of what brings us together, rather than what sets us apart.

Controversy Surrounding the Black National Anthem

One topic that the video touches upon is the inclusion of a black national anthem being sung at NFL games. While the intention behind this gesture may have been to celebrate diversity, it raises questions about the division it creates. The national anthem should aim to unite all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Unity through the National Anthem

The video emphasizes the concept of the national anthem as a unifying force. It highlights the importance of recognizing that all men are created equal, regardless of their differences. By standing together during the national anthem, we reaffirm our commitment to the values upon which our great nation was founded.

Skepticism towards Virtue Signaling

The video expresses skepticism towards the removal of virtue signaling in the NFL. While some may argue that it is a necessary step towards inclusivity, the content suggests that the focus should be on eliminating all forms of virtue signaling. By doing so, the NFL can create an environment where acts of patriotism and unity take precedence.

The Divisive Impact of the Black National Anthem

The author implies that the inclusion of a black national anthem further divides instead of unites. In a time when unity is crucial, segmenting groups for a national anthem may inadvertently create a sense of separation. It is essential to consider the potential consequences of such actions and strive for inclusivity in a way that unifies, rather than divides.

The Need for Unity and Patriotism

In conclusion, the video emphasizes the vital role of unity and patriotism in the NFL. Acts of patriotism, like Aaron Rodgers’ flag kickoff, serve as powerful reminders of the values that bind us together as a nation. By fostering an environment of inclusivity and focusing on eliminating all forms of virtue signaling, the NFL can prioritize unity and patriotism.


  • Benny Johnson’s video on act of patriotism in the NFL

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