Should Universities Dump The Humanities?

Should Universities Dump The Humanities?


In a world that is increasingly focused on practicality and tangible outcomes, the humanities are facing a crisis. Declining enrollment and department closures have prompted a significant debate about their relevance and value. Agnes Callard, a philosophy professor, believes that the arguments defending the importance of humanities will fail. This article aims to review a thought-provoking video created by the Ayn Rand Institute, exploring the importance and evaluation of the humanities, and addressing various questions surrounding the topic.

The Crisis in the Humanities

The humanities, encompassing subjects like philosophy, literature, and history, have historically been considered the cornerstone of a well-rounded education. However, the changing landscape of education has led to declining enrollment in humanities courses and even the closure of entire departments. This decline raises concerns about the value and significance of these disciplines in a practical and career-driven world.

Agnes Callard’s Perspective

Agnes Callard is a philosophy professor who challenges the traditional defense of the humanities. She argues that the typical arguments advocating for the importance of humanities, such as personal growth, critical thinking, and cultural understanding, are insufficient. According to Callard, these justifications fail to address the deeper question of why we should study humanities in the first place.

Questioning the Value

The video features a thought-provoking conversation between Ben Bayer and Sam Weaver, in which they delve into the merits of arguments supporting the humanities and their overall relevance. They consider common arguments, such as the development of critical thinking skills and fostering empathy, and explore whether these justifications hold up in the face of skepticism.

A Professor’s Admission

Interestingly, the video also includes a professor’s confession of not knowing the value of her field. This admission raises further questions about the humanities’ significance and suggests a need for introspection and evaluation within the discipline itself.

Assessing Significance

The declining enrollment and closure of humanities departments highlight the urgency of assessing their significance. As universities grapple with budget cuts and shifts in student interests, it becomes crucial to reevaluate the role and value of the humanities within the broader educational landscape.

The Conversation Continues

The conversation between Bayer and Weaver challenges viewers to think critically about the value of the humanities and their place in academia. They address questions such as whether the humanities can be quantifiably valuable or if their worth lies in their ability to cultivate intellectual curiosity and a broader perspective.


The video created by the Ayn Rand Institute sparks an important discussion about the relevance and future of the humanities. It dives deep into the arguments defending the humanities and considers Agnes Callard’s skepticism, urging viewers to think beyond the conventional justifications. As universities face the decision of whether to prioritize practicality over the humanities, it becomes vital to engage in thoughtful dialogue and reevaluate the importance of these disciplines in shaping well-rounded individuals.

In a world driven by technological advancements and immediate outcomes, the humanities offer a unique and often undervalued perspective. They provide a bridge between the practical and the abstract, fostering critical thinking, cultural understanding, and personal growth. While the humanities may not provide immediate, tangible returns, their long-term impact on individuals and society is immeasurable. It is crucial for universities to continually assess their significance and defend their place in the education system.

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