After years of progressive reporting Farlife BuzzFeed news is finally Shutting down the one-time media giant That once attracted millions of views Published the unverified discredited Trump dossier and championed the Progressive agenda will be no more with A history of Staff reductions Financial Losses and plummeting stocks this fall Was long overdue for BuzzFeed news but What caused the ultimate downfall of the Once popular online news platform well It was simply bad journalism bias Reporting or was it the Public's Rejection of the progressive agenda join Us as we dive into the shocking story Behind the end of BuzzFeed news and what It means for the future of Journalism I'm Gary franchi and I want you to keep Up with the latest news tap subscribe And enable your notifications In 2006 BuzzFeed news was founded as a New age Media company providing a Revolutionary platform for edgier more Millennial content however in 2012 the Company launched its news division known As BuzzFeed news hoping to stay ahead of The game in the world of digital Journalism their goal was to Target a Younger demographic of digital natives With stories politics businesses and Investigations for years BuzzFeed news Put its focus on publishing Progressive Bias content and was responsible for
Publishing the infamous Trump dossier That hurt Trump's 2016 campaign however The company faced ongoing Financial Losses and public rejection of its Progressive agenda leading to its Ultimate downfall and closure BuzzFeed news was once considered a Formidable Outlet attracting millions of Views with its quirky listicles and Puzzles aimed at a younger demographic However in recent years buzzfeed's Content became increasingly biased Pushing the progressive agenda and Turning off many viewers moreover the Public retired the outlets fake news Leading to a significant reduction in The number of daily clicks while the Company attempted to stay in the game by Cutting corners and reducing real estate Nothing could save them from their Ultimate fate BuzzFeed news faced severe backlash for Their involvement in releasing the Unverified Trump dossier which they Admitted they couldn't verify its Authenticity netizens viewed buzzfeed's Move as sabotaging Trump's campaign by Presenting fake news to the public and The move hurt buzzfeed's credibility and They admitted that they experienced Guilt and anxiety during the aftermath The public could not Overlook buzzfeed's Lack of journalistic Ethics pushing them Even farther into failure
BuzzFeed struggled to keep the company Afloat undergoing staff reductions and Cutting real estate but it seemed that Nothing could save them they state that They would continue to invest in BuzzFeed news ignoring the fact that Public rejected their biased content and The big platforms did not offer the Financial support required to keep the Platform alive So finally after years of biased and Progressive content far left BuzzFeed News has come to an end the fall of BuzzFeed news proves that bias Journalism can never survive in the long Run and the Public's voice is louder Than social media platforms or corporate Backing although BuzzFeed news tried to Stay afloat by cutting costs the public Rejected their content leading to the Ultimate downfall of the once popular Online news platform this is a lesson For all journalism Outlets that Journalism ethics must be upheld and all Content must be unbiased hopefully this Event will make the news media more Accountable and responsible for their Actions leading to more credible and Balanced reporting in the future Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half
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