The world has changed so much since 1973 🥲

The World has Changed So Much Since 1973


I vividly recall the year 1973 when the world was a starkly different place. The social norms and gender roles that prevailed at the time now seem antiquated and outdated. As we fast forward to the present day, it becomes evident that significant cultural shifts have occurred, redefining the traditional expectations placed on men and women. In this article, I will delve into the topic of gender roles, addressing the misconceptions and expressing my personal beliefs on the matter.

Old Perspectives on Gender Roles

  1. I believe it’s not right for women to work and for a man to stay at home.

In the past, it was widely accepted that women belonged in the home, solely responsible for household chores and raising children. Men, on the other hand, were considered the breadwinners, charged with the duty of providing for their families. These rigid gender roles were deeply ingrained in society, shaping societal expectations and limiting individual choices.

  1. I don’t believe in women’s liberation because a woman has to look after a house and have babies.

Consequently, the idea of women’s liberation or gender equality was met with skepticism or outright rejection. The prevailing notion was that a woman’s primary role was to maintain the household and fulfill her biological duty of bearing children. Challenges to these roles were seen as threats to the stability of the family unit and the social fabric at large.

  1. It is impossible for a man to do that.

Due to such deeply ingrained beliefs, it was inconceivable for many to fathom a man taking on the role of a homemaker or primary caregiver. The idea of a man performing traditionally “feminine” tasks or embracing a nurturing role was often met with ridicule or skepticism.

Shifting Perspectives

Fortunately, the world has progressed greatly since the 1970s. The winds of change have swept away the cobwebs of outdated beliefs, paving the way for more inclusive and progressive attitudes.

  1. I think a woman’s place is in the home.

While it is true that women are still predominantly responsible for managing household affairs, their role has expanded significantly. Women today are actively pursuing careers alongside their responsibilities at home, successfully balancing both realms. This evolution has allowed for personal growth, self-fulfillment, and increased financial independence for women.

  1. A man should go out and earn his keep and look after his wife.

Concurrently, the expectations placed on men have also undergone transformation. While the stereotype of the male breadwinner remains prevalent, men are now encouraged to actively participate in household chores and child-rearing. The concept of shared responsibilities has replaced the single-minded focus on traditional gender roles, fostering a more egalitarian society.

  1. I would retire gracefully if there was a clash between our careers.

As a firm believer in equality and harmony within relationships, I recognize the importance of compromise. In the event of a career clash between me and my partner, I would willingly step back to ensure the overall well-being of our partnership. This approach embraces collaboration, shared decision-making, and the prioritization of collective success over individual aspirations.

  1. I’m not willing to look after the home and children while she earns the income.

On the other hand, it is crucial to acknowledge one’s personal limitations and preferences. If I am not inclined to take on the primary role of nurturing and managing the household while my partner focuses on her career, it is essential to communicate my concerns openly and seek alternatives that preserve mutual respect and satisfaction without resorting to traditional stereotypes.

Modern Perspectives on Family

  1. A woman’s place is looking after her children.

While the nurturing role of a mother remains significant, it must be acknowledged that parenting responsibilities are not limited to gender. Both parents play essential roles in raising children, offering support, love, and guidance. A shared commitment to the well-being and development of our children should be championed over rigid gender roles.

  1. I wouldn’t want anyone else to bring up my children.

As a parent, I hold a deep sense of responsibility for the upbringing and welfare of my children. My personal conviction is that no one else can replace the love, care, and attention that a parent provides. Hence, entrusting the upbringing of my children to others would be inconceivable.

  1. I don’t think that’s right.

It is important to challenge outdated beliefs that restrict personal and societal progress. By questioning preconceived notions and embracing the diversity of roles and abilities, we can create an inclusive society that values individual choices and fosters equality.

In conclusion, the world has undoubtedly transformed since its state in 1973. Outdated beliefs surrounding gender roles have started to wane as society progresses towards a more inclusive and egalitarian system. Embracing change, fostering equality, and dismantling traditional stereotypes are vital steps in building a future where individuals can freely pursue their ambitions, regardless of gender. Let us look forward to a world where everyone, irrespective of gender, can thrive and contribute their best to the betterment of society.

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